Strengthening innovation systems

  • Understanding knowledge and decision making systems

  • Intervening to strengthen knowledge and decision making systems

  • Ensuring more equitable partnerships

  • Improving participatory, consultative and public engagement processes

  • Enhancing the generation, procurement and use of knowledge/evidence in decision making

What issues can I help with?

  • Research 

  • Facilitating capacity strengthening processes

  • Learning and evaluation

What do I offer?

What approach do I take?

I support actors aiming to strengthen knowledge and decision making systems through analysis of the macro environment, national level leadership, the governance and regulatory framework, quality assurance processes and availability of financial resources

I also explore the interconnections/partnerships between key actors such as universities, government institutions, the private sector, NGOs and international organisations.

Recent examples of my work

  • 2011-2022: supported the Australian Government’s Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI) to understand, improve and review the knowledge system in Indonesia though research and advice. 

  • 2018: undertook research to identify frameworks that conceptualise social science research systems in a ‘developing’ country context.

Recent publications

  • 2018: Policy, change and paradox in Indonesia: Implications for the use of knowledge. Taking a case study approach, this report explores what specific factors and actors shape the policy process in Indonesia? Whose and what type of knowledge tends to be influential in shaping policy and why? How is knowledge used as a resource by key actors and for what purpose? And what are the implications for the Knowledge Sector Initiative and how it works with its partners?