Leadership, organisational and network development

  • conflict, low morale, or poor communication and improving teamwork and creativity

  • high levels of stress and burnout

  • mergers, acquisitions, or global expansions,

  • expanding products and services

  • staff and leadership transitions 

  • reorganisation and restructuring including redundancies and recruitment issues

  • recurring problems that haven’t responded to traditional management interventions

  • improving decision-making

  • improving partnership development processes

  • developing and growing networks and communities of practice

  • improving diversity, equity and inclusion into practice

What issues can I help with?

  • team facilitation and coaching

  • reflective practice and action learning

  • strategy development, foresight and horizon scanning

  • research and learning 

  • 1-2-1 coaching

What do I offer?

What approach do I take?

I draw on the work of the Tavistock Institute of Human relations as well as the University of Hertfordshire’s Complexity and Management Centre. I pay attention to both the formal elements of organisations such as purpose, strategies, job descriptions, systems and structures and the more human but less visible elements such as perceptions, values, emotions, informal roles, relationships and power. 

Being a ‘guide on the side’ rather than a ‘sage on the stage’, I use these tools and concepts to help people and teams to recognise the patterns of action and interaction which don’t serve them and to generate new patterns that do. I can help teams ‘make a clearing in the forest’ to shed new light on the dilemmas an organisation is facing, which can in turn open up fresh ideas for decision and action. This might involve naming the ‘elephant in the room’, talking about why it’s there and considering how best to work with it.

  • 2024: co-facilitating a skillshare programme on supporting leaders and managers in the international development sector to better understand and practice diversity, equity and inclusion

  • 2023 - present: visiting lecturer at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust (MA Consulting and leading in organisations: psychodynamic and systemic approaches)

  • 2023 - present: Coaching associates at On Purpose in the UK 

  • 2023 - present: Coaching managers at the World Food Programme (WFP) in Yemen and Ethiopia

Recent examples of my work

  • 2023: Running ‘Delving Deeper’ a 3-month professional development course for leaders in the international development and humanitarian sector drawing on action learning

  • 2022: Facilitating a leadership transition at St Hilda’s East Community Centre, UK 

  • 2021: Facilitating a founder succession at Mawazo, a Kenya based women’s empowerment organisation

  • 2020-21: Learning about how and how well IDRC staff and teams learn from their efforts to promote policy impact.

Recent publications

  • 2023: Facilitating learning across research consortia. This article explains why it is helpful for large consortia to undertake collective learning, what this looks like in practice, what people might learn about and finally how learning might be facilitated.

Recent writing

  • 2023: Social movements and advocacy groups: what lies beneath? Part 1 and Part 2: This article reflects on how the psychology of a social movement’s members and the social, economic and political context in which they work shape what goes on inside them and what they do.

  • 2023: How to get stuff done more skilfully. This provides a critique of conventional management prescriptions, describes how things actually get done in organisations and provides some guidance for what managers and leaders might do to facilitate this.