
I’ve worked on numerous assignments as a leader and team member organised around the following:

  • research and diagnostics

  • training and facilitation

  • support to strategy development

  • leading teams and initiatives

  • coaching and mentoring

  • evaluation and learning

List of clients

Location of clients and partners

I’ve collaborated with clients located in a variety of contexts including: in the following areas (in brown)

Burkina Faso

Czech Republic




South Africa

Sri Lanka


Research and diagnostic work

  • 2023: supporting the HALO Trust to think about its organisational practices as it aims to improve the linkages between mine clearance and climate change resilience in Somaliland (Remeody/GICHD)

  • 2011-22: supported the Australian Government’s Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI) to understand and improve the knowledge system in Indonesia though the following pieces of work:

    • political economy analysis of decision making

    • knowledge sector baseline

    • use of evidence by policymakers

    • context analysis and implications for knowledge use: analysis of 3 case studies

  • 2021: supported Mawazo, a Kenya based NGO to navigate a CEO founder succession, update its strategy and review its operating model

  • 2021: Supporting the Wellspring Foundation to better understand the nature of partnerships that their grantees are involved in to improve the role of research in policy

  • 2018-19: supported OSF to better understand the linkages between researchers and activists (OSF EJP)

  • 2018-19: supported the World Bank in Indonesia to understand policymaking processes in the country’s social protection sector

  • 2024: co-led the development hub’s Skillshare programme on decolonising development practice.  

  • 2023: co-led ‘Delving Deeper’ a 3-month professional development course for leaders in the international development and humanitarian sector drawing on action learning

  • 2022: supported the senior management team at St Hilda’s East Community Centre in London, UK to negotiate a leadership transition

  • 2021: supported the Alexandria Business Association (ABA) in Egypt to establish a think tank (GIZ)

  • 2021: supported China Dialogue to improve its monitoring, learning and evaluation practices

  • 2020-21: facilitated monthly reflexive practice meetings at OTT Consulting

Training and facilitation

  • 2024: co-led the development hub’s Skillshare programme on decolonising development practice.  

  • 2023: co-led ‘Delving Deeper’ a 3-month professional development course for leaders in the international development and humanitarian sector drawing on action learning

  • 2022: supported the senior management team at St Hilda’s East Community Centre in London, UK to negotiate a leadership transition

  • 2021: supported the Alexandria Business Association (ABA) in Egypt to establish a think tank (GIZ)

  • 2021: supported China Dialogue to improve its monitoring, learning and evaluation practices

  • 2020-21: facilitated monthly reflexive practice meetings at OTT Consulting

  • 2018-19: led a team to undertake a year-long program of learning to improve the leadership capacities of mid-career think tankers from around the world (funded IDRC’s Think Tank Initiative, TTI)

  • 2016-18: supported the DAI led Deepening Democracy Programme (DDP) in Kenya to improve the production, sharing and storage of knowledge

  • 2016-7: supported policymakers from the Zimbabwean Ministry of Youth to improve the way they make decisions and use evidence (funded by DFID BCURE)

  • 2015-17: supported FAO policy officers to improve their capacity to undertake policy influencing work (funded by FAO)

  • 2012-17: worked with UK based academic researchers to strengthen disaster risk reduction policy and practice in Nepal (funded by UKRI)

  • 2015-16: supported employer and business membership organisations (EBMOs) to improve the monitoring and evaluation of their policy work (funded by the ILO’s ACT/TEMP division).

  • 2014: supporting DW Akademie in Germany to influence media development in priority countries

  • 2012: supported researchers funded by 3IE to use impact evaluations to influence policy debates through a 3 day ‘clinic’

  • 2011: supported staff from Transparency International (TI) national chapters to use their research on national integrity systems to inform and influence the debate on governance, transparency and accountability issues in their respective countries.

  • 2011: supported the improvement of research utilisation at Health Economic and HIV&AIDs Research Division (HEARD) in South Africa

  • 2010-11: strengthened the skills and expertise of staff in World Vision’s Zambia and Uganda offices to undertake evidence informed policy advocacy (funded by World Vision UK).

  • 2010-11: supported three African research centres to communicate their research more strategically (funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC)’s ACACIA programme)

  • 2009-11: supported the Vietnamese Academy of Social Science (VASS) to engage with policy more effectively (funded by UNDP Vietnam)

  • 2008-11: supporting fledgling development NGO networks in four European Union (EU) New Member States (NMS) to understand and influence the European Commission (EC)’s international development policies and practices (funded by the EC)

  • 2010: supported improvement of skills amongst policymakers and policy shapers from the HIV&AIDS field in Southern and Eastern Africa to improve their skills to commission and use evidence to improve policy decisions

  • 2010: supported staff at the Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF) to improve their research communication skills

  • 2010: supported UNDP Vietnam programme and policy officers to improve their capacities to communicate their research findings to policymakers.

  • 2010: supported participants in a project called Innovation Africa to facilitate multi-stakeholder processes and influence policy

  • 2009: supported Global Development Network funded researchers from the Africa and South/Southeast Asia regions to improve their research communication skills

  • 2009: supported academics and civil society practitioners in Jakarta, Indonesia to improve their policy influence skills

  • 2006-8: coordinated a network of researchers from the Global South to reform the international aid architecture (funded by the Hewlett Foundation).

Support to strategy development

  • 2020-21: led a team to undertake an evaluation of the Hewlett Foundation’s programme to improve Transparency, Participation and Accountability in sub-Saharan Africa and a related landscape scan, as part of a strategy refresh

  • 2019-21: led a team to support the Open Society Foundation (OSF)’s Economic Justice Program (EJP) to develop a new 5 year strategy

  • 2018-19: supported European think tanks (GAP and IPRE) to develop strategies and improve organisational effectiveness

  • 2013-17: supported the South African Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) to develop and deliver an evidence strategy to improve the quality of decision making (funded by DFID BCURE)

Leading teams and initiatives

  • 2023: co-led ‘Delving Deeper’ a 3-month professional development course for leaders in the international development and humanitarian sector drawing on action learning

  • 2022-23: led a team on behalf of Itad to undertake an evaluation of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) funded Global Fund Advocacy Portfolio (GFAP)

  • 2021-22: led a team to review the support provided by the 10 year-long DFAT funded Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI) to 16 policy research institutes

  • 2020-21: led a team to undertake an evaluation of the Hewlett Foundation’s programme to improve Transparency, Participation and Accountability in sub-Saharan Africa and a related landscape scan, as part of a strategy refresh

  • 2019-21: led a team to support the Open Society Foundation (OSF)’s Economic Justice Program (EJP) to develop a new 5 year strategy

  • 2018-19: led a team to undertake a year-long program of learning to improve the leadership capacities of mid-career think tankers from around the world (funded IDRC’s Think Tank Initiative, TTI)

Coaching and mentoring

  • 2023 - current: coaching humanitarian professionals at the World Food Programme through the Humanitarian Coaching Network

  • 2023 - current: mentoring, coaching and training associates at On Purpose

Evaluation and learning

  • 2023-24: part of a team evaluating the policy influencing work of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) (led by Sophoi)

  • 2022-23: led a team on behalf of Itad to undertake an evaluation of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) funded Global Fund Advocacy Portfolio (GFAP)

  • 2022: led a team on behalf of Itad to review the impact of the Lancet and Financial Times Commission on governing health futures 2030: growing up in a digital world

  • 2021-22: led a team to review the support provided by the 10 year-long DFAT funded Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI) to 16 policy research institutes

  • 2019-21: part of a team that evaluated the International Development Research Centre (IDRC)’s efforts to scale impact between 2015-20, which included a case study to understand how and how well they learn from their work

  • 2017-18: led a team to review DFID funded Deepening Democracy Programme (DDP’s) contribution to the 2017 Kenyan Elections

  • 2013-14: supported EuropeAid’s strategic evaluation unit to promote the uptake of evaluations they commissioned (funded by the EC)

  • 2012-13: part of a team which evaluated the first phase of the IDRC managed Think Tank Initiative (TTI)

  • 2011-2: undertook a review of the 'evidence based policy in development (ebpdn)’ network using the Network Functions Approach (NFA)

  • 2010: reviewed the Network of Education Policy Centres (NEPC) using the Network Functions Approach (NFA)

  • 2009-10: reviewed the impact of the Wellcome Trust’s Livestock for Life public engagement programme