Influencing policy and practice

  • Understanding context

  • A desire to have greater impact in policy and practice

  • Strategy development

  • Improving advocacy/campaign management

  • Reflecting on and learning from influencing or advocacy work

What issues can I help with?

  • Team leadership

  • Research 

  • Strategy development

  • Evaluation and learning 

  • Capacity development and training, 

  • Facilitation and mentoring

What do I offer?

What approach do I take?

My work draws on a range of approaches including problem driven iterative adaptation developed by Harvard University, Development Entrepreneurship developed by the Asia Foundation as well as the work done by the Overseas Development Institute on adaptive management and promoting (research) impact. 

I undertake studies of the policy process, drawing on political economy and stakeholder analyses. Drawing on such studies as well as workshops and exercises (often using tools such as fishbone diagrams and force field analyses), I provide advice, support and training on how organisations and teams can best engage with and influence policy and practice in a wide variety of policy areas including climate change, the economy, social affairs and disaster risk reduction. I advise on strategy and direction, governance and management, outputs and activities, uptake and outcomes as well as impact. I also evaluate the impact of interventions on policy and practice using approaches such as Outcome Harvesting and Contribution Analysis. 

  • 2023-24: supporting the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to learn from their work to influence policy and practice

  • 2022-23: led a team on behalf of Itad to undertake an evaluation of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)'s Global Fund Advocacy Portfolio (GFAP)

  • 2022: led a team on behalf of Itad to evaluate the Lancet and Financial Times Commission on digital health for Fondation Botnar

Recent examples of my work

  • 2020-21: led a team to undertake an evaluation of the Hewlett Foundation’s programme to improve Transparency, Participation and Accountability in sub-Saharan Africa and a related landscape scan, as part of a strategy refresh

Recent publications

  • 2018: The role of scientific evidence during the 2015 Nepal earthquake relief efforts. Focusing on the 2015 earthquakes in Nepal, this report explores the extent to which scientific information was used during the disaster response. It sets out to understand the key actors involved in the response effort, their information needs and how these were communicated to scientists and other knowledge providers, the scientific information that was produced, and how this information was shared

  • 2023: Accounting for Advocacy. This article highlights key lessons from recent assignments reviewing work to influence policy and practice. 

Recent writing