
I’ve published a number of papers over the last 15 years. These are listed below organised by my three key services, They can also be found on Research gate, by clicking on the button below.

Leadership, organisational and network development

2023: Mine Action and the Resilience of Communities to Climate Change. This study assesses the integration of climate resilience within policies and strategies of humanitarian mine action organisations

2019: OTT-TTI Fellowship Programme Final technical report. This reviews a year long leadership programme for mid-career think tankers from Latin America, Asia and Africa 

Influencing policy and practice

Strengthening innovation systems

2020: Activists and policy experts: Exploring think tank engagement with social movements. This study reviews the relationship between researchers and activists across a range of contexts. 

2019: Continuity and change in Indonesia's social protection sector. This explores the policy context in Indonesia’s social protection sector